Pipeline Report
Print a CSV listing of the co-ords, bearing, distance and chainage between the chainage points on a pipeline.
It also includes deflection bearings, point codes etc.
The start chainage for each string will be taken from the string start chainage.

The String selected for the report.
To select a pipeline/string, click the mouse on a string in the main window.
Any string is acceptable for the report:

Data Columns
- Point number - point number for the Easting, Northing,Height point on this line
- Easting
- Northing
- Height, or blank
- Code, or blank for the point
- Layer - layer name for the Point
- Chainage - for the point. Distance from first point onb this string
- BrgPrev - Horizontal Bearing from Previous Point to this point
- HzIncDist - Horizontal Distance from Previous Point to this point
- SlopeDist - Slope Distance from Previous Point to this point
- HDeflect - Horizontal Angle at this point between the previous point, this point and the next point, in DECIMAL DEGREES. +ve value for a clockwise deflection, -ve value for an Anti-Clockwise deflection.
This value is blank if HzIncDist is less than 1mm.
- VDeflect - Vertical Angle at this point between the previous point, this point and the next point, in DECIMAL DEGREES. +ve value deflection upwards, -ve value for deflection downwards
- VAngle - Vertical Angle between the previous point, this point and the Horizontal, in DECIMAL DEGREES. +ve value sloping upwards, -ve value for sloping downwards
- 3dAngle - 3d Angle between the previous point, this point and the next point, in DECIMAL DEGREES.***
- VDiff - Difference in height between this point and the previous point, in metres.
- Grade% - Difference in height between this point and the previous point over the distance between them as a percentage.
This value is blank if the computed value is < -10,000% or > 10,000%
- Name - Point name or blank
- Remark - Point Remark or blank


Note: This is the Excel formula for the 3dAngle